Meet Phazhon Nash
My name is Phazhon Nash and I’m a Democrat running for Roanoke City Council.
I was born and raised in Roanoke, and have been an active participant in my community for as long as I can remember. While attending Northside High School, I played football, earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, and served as the President for the NAACP Youth Council. I had the privilege and honor to serve as class president at Northside
High School being the first Black male to serve in this position in
Northside’s history.
I draw a lot of inspiration through lessons I’ve learned from my family. My mother taught me perseverance, dedication, and hard work: I watched her complete both her undergraduate and masters degrees as a young single mom, with two children. My grandmother was the first Black woman to serve as Vice President for Roanoke’s CWA local 2204 for several years, showing me that I should never be afraid to speak up and defend those in need. My grandfather served in the Vietnam war, and I’m proud to be the grandson of a Veteran who instilled in me a sense of chivalry, valor, compassion, and humility.
My experience
I am a proud alum of George Mason University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Community Health and a minor in American Government. While still in college, I began interning at Carilion Clinic where I really started to fall in love with the way healthcare could impact a person’s quality of life. Upon graduating early from George Mason in December of 2021, I turned down the opportunity to live and work in Northern Virginia in order to bring my talents and energy back to Roanoke City, where I began full-time employment at Carillion Clinic in Emergency Services as an Operations Consultant.
My experience and dedication to the community of Roanoke continued to build after college, as I was appointed to the Roanoke City’s Equity and Empowerment Advisory Board in October 2022. I also joined Friends of Evans Springs, the Roanoke City Democratic Committee where I serve as Vice Chair, and the Roanoke Young Democrats where I serve as Vice President. Most notably, I was offered the opportunity by Delegate Sam Rasoul to serve as his Community Outreach Liaison. During my time in this position, I would attend community events, neighborhood association meetings, or any meeting relating to a hot topic within the city. It was here that I would hear the issues most concerning Roanoke citizens.
What I’ve heard from the community
From speeding and traffic safety in South Roanoke to the lack of code enforcement, burglaries, and theft in the Southeast, I’ve heard from the community and know that there are issues small and large that need our attention.
I’ve heard comments and concerns about the longstanding effects of urban renewal, the Commonwealth project, and red lining. I’ve listened to concerns about the potential development of Evans Springs, and questions around the investments we make towards Roanoke City’s environment, infrastructure, law enforcement, education, and livability.
In my time as Community Outreach Liaison, I realized that the community needed a person on who listens, cares, and wants to work with them to solve the issues they face rather than push a personal agenda. That’s why I’m running for City Council.
I feel that, although I am young, I am more than prepared to serve the citizens of Roanoke. With your support and trust I know that we can and will make Roanoke a city that’s healthier, safer, equitable, and livable for all of us.
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Get out the vote!
Primary Date: June 18, 2024
General Election: November 5, 2024
Sign up to volunteer!
We need to knock on doors in every quadrant of the city and call thousands of voters. Whether you can volunteer once a month, twice a week, or even just display a yard sign, I am appreciative of your willingness to support my campaign.